In a tragic turn of events, the death of a 31-year-old trainee doctor at a government-run hospital in Kolkata has sparked nationwide protests and strikes by the medical community. The trainee medic was found dead last week, and it has been reported that she was raped and murdered. This has led to widespread outrage and demands for justice.
The incident has led to a significant disruption in hospital services across India, as thousands of doctors have halted their services in protest. The Federation of All India Medical Association has declared an “indefinite” strike, demanding better security and swift justice for the victim.
The protests have seen doctors, paramedics, and medical students taking to the streets, holding placards and chanting slogans against the violence faced by medical professionals.
Adding to the turmoil, RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata became the epicenter of chaos when a group of unidentified individuals vandalized the premises amid the protests. The attackers clashed with police, causing injuries and significant damage to hospital property. The police were forced to use tear gas to disperse the crowd, and several officers were injured in the confrontation.
The situation escalated further when the police, overwhelmed by the mob, had to flee the scene, leaving the hospital vulnerable to further attacks. The incident has raised serious concerns about the safety and security of medical professionals in India, prompting calls for immediate action from the government.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has condemned the violence and called for swift punishment for those responsible for the trainee doctor’s death. He emphasized the need for creating a safe and secure environment for women and medical professionals in the country.
As the protests continue, the medical community remains resolute in their demands for justice and better working conditions. The tragic death of the trainee doctor has not only highlighted the vulnerabilities faced by medical professionals but also ignited a nationwide movement for change.