
England: Banksy strikes again revealing his latest chef-d'œuvre in London

Drishtee Lokee

On Monday, hundreds gathered on a north London street to see a new Banksy artwork, even before the secretive graffiti artist acknowledged that it was his.

The piece of art, which covers the wall of a four-story residential structure, comprises a stencil, typical of Banksy, depicting a figure holding a spraying apparatus and dripping in green paint, mirroring the tree's missing leaves, which have been severely chopped in a method known as pollarding.

Banksy later claimed the piece, publishing before and after images of the place on his official Instagram account.

Banksy is one of the world's best-known artists, yet his true identity has never been revealed.

The "guerrilla street artist" is often described as "elusive" and "secretive" by the press, and his followers and collectors include A-list celebrities like actor Brad Pitt.

His artworks sell for exorbitant prices, with municipalities and landowners scrambling to profit from the buildings he has selected as his newest canvas.

Not all of his art is explicitly political, but many carry a humorous or caustic message about society.

Banksy gained notoriety after spray-painting his now-famous stenciled drawings across Bristol in the early 1990s.

His work is reported to be inspired by the city's significant music and arts scene, which includes bands like Massive Attack and Portishead.

Banksy is thought to have been born in the adjacent town of Yate, South Gloucestershire, in the early 1970s.

Video Credit: Abc News

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