
U.S.- Mexico border : Trump and Biden competing trips to tackle illegal immigration

Drishtee Lokee

Former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden have made competing visits to the U.S. border in Texas, each stating to be able to combat illegal immigration.

The subject is one of the most divisive in American politics, and it will be essential to this year's presidential race.

November's election contest appears to be another confrontation between the two.

Biden accused his Republican competitor, who spoke of the "very dangerous" situation at the border, of impeding his efforts to crack down on crossings.

Republicans in the House of Representatives have blocked bipartisan border changes, which Democrats accuse of being a Trump-led plot to deprive them of a victory before the election.

In Texas, Mr Trump promised to "take care" of the issue of illegal immigration if re-elected. He has already vowed huge deportations if elected again.

The topic has received a lot of attention as more than 6.3 million people have been arrested for unlawfully entering the United States during Mr Biden's term, which is more than past presidents.

However, experts say the reasons for the increase are complicated, with certain elements predicting his administration and remaining beyond American control.

Video Credit: Reuters

U.S.- Mexico border : Trump and Biden competing trips to tackle illegal immigration

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