Cyclone Belal: Understanding the Difference Between Storm Management and Drainage Systems

This article aims to shed light on the importance of understanding storm management, the unique challenges faced by our volcanic island...
Cyclone Belal: Understanding the Difference Between Storm Management and Drainage Systems

The recent impact of Cyclone Belal on Mauritius has once again highlighted the critical distinction between a storm management system and a simple drainage system for waste water. As an island situated in a region where cyclones are a regular occurrence during this period of the year, it is imperative that we acknowledge the new weather normal caused by global warming and take appropriate measures to protect ourselves. This article aims to shed light on the importance of understanding storm management, the unique challenges faced by our volcanic island, and the role of citizens in ensuring effective disaster preparedness.

The Difference Between Storm Management and Drainage Systems:

During heavy flash floods or storm rainwater, a storm management system plays a crucial role in mitigating the impact. It encompasses various components such as flood prevention measures, infrastructure development, and effective drainage systems. On the other hand, a simple drainage system for waste water primarily focuses on removing excess water from urban areas. Confusing the two can lead to inadequate measures to combat severe flash floods and protect lives and property.

The Impact of Global Warming:

Global warming has brought about drastic changes in climates worldwide, and Mauritius is not exempt from its effects. We have witnessed regions and countries experiencing extreme weather events that were previously unheard of in those areas. From severe droughts to unexpected floods and storms, these changes necessitate a shift in our understanding of weather patterns and the need for robust disaster management strategies.

The Unique Challenges of a Volcanic Island:

Mauritius, being a volcanic island surrounded by mountains, faces specific challenges when it comes to managing heavy rains and flash floods. The land's limited capacity to absorb water increases the risk of severe flash floods during heavy rainfall. This highlights the urgency of implementing comprehensive storm management systems that go beyond simple drainage solutions.

Citizen Responsibility and Drain Maintenance:

Citizens have a crucial role to play in ensuring effective storm management. It is our responsibility to keep our drains clean and unobstructed, allowing water to flow freely during heavy rains. By doing so, we can minimize the risk of waterlogging and prevent further damage to infrastructure and property.

The Decline of Trees and Urbanization:

Over the past three decades, the population density, housing, and commercial buildings in cities and villages have significantly increased. Unfortunately, this has resulted in the decline of trees, which play a vital role in absorbing excess water and maintaining ecological balance. It is high time that a team of specialists and experts come together to discuss long-term solutions that prioritize sustainable urban planning and afforestation.

Individual Actions for a Collective Impact:

As citizens, we can contribute to effective storm management through small yet impactful actions in our everyday lives. Conserving water, reducing waste, and adopting sustainable practices can collectively make a significant difference in our fight against the adverse effects of global warming. Additionally, educating ourselves about disaster preparedness and following guidelines provided by authorities can help save lives during situations such as tsunamis, typhoons, and volcanic eruptions.

Cyclone Belal serves as a stark reminder of the importance of distinguishing between storm management and drainage systems. As a volcanic island surrounded by mountains, Mauritius faces unique challenges when it comes to managing heavy rains and flash floods. By understanding our responsibility as citizens, keeping our drains clean, and actively participating in discussions on long-term solutions, we can contribute to effective storm management. Let us work together to protect our island, preserve our environment, and ensure the safety and well-being of our communities.

Sunil Gohin

CEO de Wazaa FM et d'Inside News


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